CCTV《同根同梦 • 2017 “ 少年中国 ” 国际青少年文化艺术节》
CCTV《Same Roots And Dreams • 2017 "Young China" International Youth Culture And Art Festival 》
评分解说 Score Description: 评分细则 Scoring Schemes: ① 本次活动的评审工作,组委会坚持公平公开公正的原则进行工作。 The Organizing Committees is holding “Be Fair, Be Open & Be Equal” principle to judge. ② 评审委员会选择有权威的专家教授参加本次大赛评委。 The Panel of Judges reserve the rights to choose the most representative professor to be one of the judges in the program. ③ 每场比赛前主持人先介绍比赛评委。 Emcee of the program will announce and introduce every judge before the contest start. ④ 主持人在比赛前宣读比赛评分标准。 Emcee will read and announce the Scoring Scheme every time before the contest start. ⑤ 评委团共5人。评选结束,组委会统计出排名先后。 按照10分制打分,每个选手最后成绩保留小数点二位数。 Total of judges is 5 people. After judging, the organizing committee will calculate the number in sequence for each participated group. Each contestant result will judge by using 10.00 marks scheme and ranking will announce in order. ⑥ 总赛声乐、器乐及舞蹈节目时长不得超过5分钟,表演和故事情景剧不超过6分钟。 当时间到时由主持人提醒比赛时间。 Overall to say that limit time given to VOCAL,MUSIC INSTRUMENTS & DANCE category is not more than 5 mins, while PERFORMANCES & STORIES DRAMA not more than 6 mins. The Emcee will keep reminding and stopping the performance when time’s up. 声乐组评分说明 The scoring details for VOCAL category: 声乐组由专业评委从以下四个分项分别评分,总分10分 There are divide into 4 parts to judge by the professional judges, and total marks is 10. 1. 台风台姿 ( 2 分 ) Posture on stage (2 marks): 要求:舞台上着装、走台得体,表演过程落落大方、一气呵成。 Requirements: Attires on the stage, Way of perform on stage, Steady and Spontaneous 2. 演奏演唱 ( 3 分 ) Singing Requirements (3marks) : 要求:演唱吐词清晰,演绎过程中不跑调走调,音色统一,气息流畅,演绎完整。 Requirements: Be clear and punctual for pronouncing words, Steady, Complete and never got out of tune 3. 乐感方面 ( 3 分 ) Musicality (3 marks): 要求:具备较好的音乐素质,有强烈的音乐乐感表现意识,能随着音乐进行自然的呼吸与起伏, 较能吸引观众的注意力。 Requirements: Music sensitivity, To perform the best understanding of the music, follow the music sing and play easily , can attract sight of audience 4. 综合表现 ( 2 分 ) Integrated performance (2 marks): 要求:现场表演镇定自如,理解歌曲内涵,把握对乐曲旋律及歌词理解 情感投入到位, 在处理上有自己独到之处,给观众以美的享受。 Requirements: Steady and calm, Present the meaning of the song through singing, holding a good emotions with the lyrics also present the own unique way to sing. 器乐组评分说明 The scoring details for MUSIC INSTRUMENTS category: 器乐组由专业评委从以下四个分项分别评分,总分10分 There are divide into 4 parts to judge by the professional judges, and total marks is 10. 1. 台风台姿 ( 2 分 ) Posture on stage (2 marks) : 要求:舞台上着装、走台得体,表演过程落落大方、一气呵成。 Requirements: Attires on the stage, Way of perform on stage, Steady and Spontaneous 2. 演奏 ( 3 分 ) Playing Requirements (3marks):: 要求:演奏时手指的运动很灵巧,手腕较平稳,手臂松弛,肩部也不紧张,音准、节奏把握良好, 能完整的表达乐曲的要求; Requirements: Play the instruments dexterity, calm and steady, not nervous, right tune, nice rhythm and present the music perfectly. 3. 乐感方面 ( 3 分 ) Musicality (3 marks): 要求:具备较好的音乐素质,有强烈的音乐乐感表现意识,能随着音乐进行自然的呼吸与起伏, 较能吸引观众的注意力。 Requirements: Music sensitivity, To perform the best understanding of the music, follow the music sing and play easily , can attract sight of audience 4. 综合表现 ( 2 分 ) Integrated performance (2 marks):: 要求:现场表演镇定自如,理解乐曲内涵,把握对乐曲旋律理解情感投入到位, 在处理上有自己独到之处,给观众以美的享受。 Requirements: Steady and calm, Present the meaning of the song through playing the instruments, holding a good emotions with the music also present the own unique way to play it. 舞蹈组评分说明 The scoring details for DANCE category: 体育舞蹈组主要包含芭蕾舞、拉丁舞、民族舞、等项目。 由专业评委按照国际惯例进行评分,重点考察选手的动作规范和对表演意境的领会,总分10分。 The sports dances mainly include Ballet, Latin, Culture Dance, and so on. Judging according by International Judgment Rules and the most important is standard of action also the artistic conception of the contestant in this category. A total mark is 10. 1. 台风台姿(2 分) Posture on stage (2 marks): 要求:舞台上着装、走台得体,表演过程落落大方、一气呵成。 Requirements: Attires on the stage, Way of perform on stage, Steady and Spontaneous 2. 动作规范(3 分) Dancing Requirements (3marks): 要求:动作干净利落,身体协调,动作到位,面部表情与身体的配合。 Requirements: Smooth and calm action, right posture, good face posture with body movement 3. 乐感节奏(3 分) Musicality (3 marks): 要求:具备较好的音乐素质,有强烈的音乐乐感表现意识,能随着音乐进行自然的呼吸与起伏, 较能吸引观众的注意力。 Requirements: Music sensitivity, To perform the best understanding of the music, follow the music sing and play easily , can attract sight of audience 4. 综合表现(2 分) Integrated performance (2 marks): 要求:现场表演镇定自如、心理素质好,把握对配乐旋律理解,情感投入到位, 在处理上有自己独到之处给观众美的享受。 Requirements: Steady and calm, Present the meaning of the song through dancing, holding a good emotions with the music also present the own unique way for dance in order to let the audience enjoy to see it. 表演评分说明 The scoring details for PERFOMANCES category: 表演由专业评委从以下四个分项分别评分,总分10分 There are divide into 4 parts to judge by the professional judges, and total marks is 10. 1. 内容内涵 ( 3 分 ) Content of the performance (3 marks): 要求:自我介绍的内容选择形式活泼,具有一定吸引力,整体表演内容有意境,对听众及观众有 感染力; Requirements: Good and presentable self-introduction, Attractive, and able to interact with audience as well. 2. 语音语调(2 分) Voice and Tones (2 marks): 要求:华语或英语标准。发音清晰准确,音调合适。流利(连读、词重音、句重音、语调和节奏); Requirements: Be correct in pronouncing. Good tune and volume, Fluency of using grammar also sentences. 3. 表演技巧(3 分) Technic / Skills of Acting (3 marks) : 要求:能基本运用演讲、朗诵、小品等应有的表演技巧、表情动作自然、富有激情和感染力; Requirements: Giving speech, reciting poem in correct skills also together with nice face expressions. Be natural and steady. Be passionate and influencing. 4. 综合表现(2 分)Integrated performance (2 marks) : 要求:现场表演镇定自如、心理素质好、句式流畅、用词准确,给观众及听众整体美的享受。 Requirements: Steady and calm, Good emotion quality, using correct grammar and sentences, present a wonderful performance to the audience. 注:参赛者如选用外文进行自我介绍及语言节目表述,酌情加 0.1 - 0.3 分。 P/S: If contestant able in using others language to do self-introduction, an extra bonus marks 0.1 - 0.3 will be given. 故事情景剧评分说明 The scoring details for STORIES DRAMA category: 故事情景剧由专业评委从以下四个分项分别评分,总分10分 There are divide into 4 parts to judge by the professional judges, and total marks is 10. 1. 内容内涵 ( 3 分 ) Content of the performance (3 marks): 要求:自我介绍的内容选择形式活泼,具有一定吸引力,整体表演内容有意境,对听众及观众有 感染力; Requirements: Good and presentable self-introduction, Attractive, and able to interact with audience as well. 2. 语音语调(2 分) Voice and Tones (2 marks): 要求:华语或英语标准。发音清晰准确,音调合适。流利(连读、词重音、句重音、语调和节奏); Requirements: Be correct in pronouncing. Good tune and volume, Fluency of using grammar also sentences. 3. 表演技巧(3 分) Technic / Skills of Acting (3 marks) : 要求:能基本运用演讲、朗诵、小品等应有的表演技巧、表情动作自然、富有激情和感染力; Requirements: Giving speech, reciting poem in correct skills also together with nice face expressions. Be natural and steady. Be passionate and influencing. 4. 综合表现(2 分)Integrated performance (2 marks) : 要求:现场表演镇定自如、心理素质好、句式流畅、用词准确,给观众及听众整体美的享受。 Requirements: Steady and calm, Good emotion quality, using correct grammar and sentences, present a wonderful performance to the audience. 注:参赛者如选用外文进行自我介绍及语言节目表述,酌情加 0.1 - 0.3 分。 P/S: If contestant able in using others language to do self-introduction, an extra bonus marks 0.1 - 0.3 will be given. 马来西亚甄选赛委员会事务处 Malaysia Audition Committee Secretariat
《同根同梦 ● 2017“少年中国”国际青少年文化艺术节》 《Same Roots and Dreams ● 2017 " Young China " International Youth Culture And Art Festival》 No. 38A, Jalan Temenggung 19/9, Bandar Mahkota Cheras, 43200 Cheras, Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia. Committee Person in-Charge Contact: Chris Lim 林娳嫙 +60 13 - 287 5007 Eric Yap 葉耀陽 +60 12 - 620 2867 Official Committee Email: [email protected] Official Website: #AcezGlobalGroup武士國際集團 #HCREventSolutions優創策劃 #Malaysia #馬來西亞 #马来西亚 #中國 #KualaLumpur #中国 #China #Audition #Competition #少年中国 #少年梦 #国际青少年文化艺术节 #吉隆坡 #CCTV #中央电视台 #AcezGlobalGroup武士國際集團 #HCREventSolutions優創策劃 #AVGMediaSolution艺星媒體 #HEAeTV网络电视台 #少年梦 #DreamOfYouth #2018国际青少年文化艺术节 #同根同梦少年中国国际青少年文化艺术节马来西亚甄选赛 #SameRootsAndDreamsYoungChinaInternationalYouthCultureAndArtFestival #同根同梦2017少年中国国际青少年文化艺术节马来西亚甄选赛 #SameRootsAndDreams2017YoungChinaInternationalYouthCultureAndArtFestival #CCTV #中国中央电视台 #HEAeTV #Youtube #星洲日报 #SinChewDaily #Malaysia #马来西亚 #北京 #中国 #Beijing #《同根同梦●2017"少年中国"国际青少年文化艺术节》马来西亚甄选赛 #2018少年中国国际青少年文化艺术节马来西亚甄选活动 #《2018"少年中国"国际青少年文化艺术节》马来西亚甄选活动 |